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  • Writer's pictureSumeet Jha

Parents as career partners

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Ms. Swati Salunkhe, in this episode is talking about the most important issue – regarding Parents concerns about their child’s career. It’s seen that for most of the Parents wonder what can they do as Parents for their children. She emphasizes on the fact that Parents can be their child’s career partners and help them make their career decisions. Parents want to see their children happy and are also concerned about the right career decision. She discusses about the various factors that affect career choices like percentage, friends, locations, new trends, parental expectations, peer pressure. She encourages the Parents to become Career Literate in order to facilitate the career decision. She recommends that along with academic performance the child also develops the required skill sets and also participates in the extra curricular activities. She also says that parents should not be pushy or nag or criticize their children.

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