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  • Writer's pictureSumeet Jha

Hotel Management Culinary Arts

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Ms. Mugdha and Ms. Nidhi are discussing Certain Myths and Facts of Culinary arts. The first myth they are addressing is if one likes to cook then culinary arts or Hotel Management is the field they should choose for their career. Along with cooking, presentation of food and balance of flavours and spices are essential. There is a lot of glamors attached to the culinary field the reason is because of many cookery shows. Students should understand that there is a lot of hard work in this field to achieve success. They should know their calibre and interest before getting into the field and also understand the job roles in depth. Culinary art field is very demanding and one needs to invest a lot of time and effort and also be ready to experiment and learn new things.

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