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  • Writer's pictureSumeet Jha

Dealing With Home Sickness

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

In this episode, Kunjal Sakhrani has given tips to cope with homesickness while studying abroad. Homesickness hits everyone, but you can deal with it effectively. Make friends with students like you who are away from home. Since they are also going through the same emotions, they will be able to understand and help. It’s important to stay busy and participate in other activities, like sports or doing a job. You can also learn new things to keep your mind active. You must also keep in touch with your family and friends and document your experience while studying abroad by maintaining a diary and a photo album. While it is important to keep in touch with home, you should not become too dependent on reminders, so ensure that you find the right balance. Once you accept the new country as your new home, it will help you in overcoming homesickness.

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