When we hear the word ‘Pharmacy’, instantly what comes in our mind is Medical Store or Chemist, right. But, Pharmacy is much beyond that. As a field, it has contributed to the up-gradation of medicine & drugs, right from the discovery of medicine for life-threatening diseases to a large amount of availability of medicine for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The study of Pharmacy involves all the stages related to a drug, i.e- from its discovery, development, action, safety, formulation, usage, quality control, packaging, storage, marketing, etc. Thus the profession of pharmacy has transformed into a hub for the ”Global Healthcare” and evolved as a multidisciplinary, versatile curriculum.
To pursue the course in pharmacy you have various options like you can enroll for a diploma program immediately after class 12th. To pursue graduation in pharmacy you need to study 10+2 science with physics, chemistry, Maths, and Biology as your subjects. After appearing board exams you need to clear relevant entrance exams for the same. After graduation interested candidates can pursue higher education like Masters followed by Ph.D. or they can start working. The duration for the diploma course is two years, Graduation is four years and Masters is two years. Nowadays various universities have started offering integrated programs in pharmacy which is in combination with Bachelor’s and master’s program. You expected to clear relevant entrance exam of that respective institute or universities.
Also, there are universities which have now started offering Pharm. D as an option for which entry is based on the entrance exam scores. It is six years course duration after class 12th.
Studying pharmacy enables you to develop skills specific to the role of a pharmacist including knowledge of facts and theories relating to the design and manufacture of medicines, the ability to communicate effectively with patients and other health professionals, production of pharmacy-specific scientific documentation, operation of pharmaceutical instrumentation, knowledge of the law and ethical concerns relating to the supply of medicines and analysis of medicines.
The job avenues for a pharmacist are in the pharmaceutical industry, government departments, Hospitals/ Health Centre’s, teaching in educational Institutes, investigation and research institute, etc. Drug control administration and armed forces also offer a wide range of opportunities to pharmacists. The food and cosmetic industries or within any other industry that requires the assurance that new products are as safe and effective as possible. Pharmacists are hired within the Pest Control Division of Agriculture as well. Nowadays in retail, Pharmacy has varied duties, including buying and selling of related items demanded by the public. Pharmacy is among those career options which can provide never-ending opportunities for growth and success. With the increase in health care and the discovery of new diseases pharmacy is the only option to ensure better health and fight diseases. So if you are interested in becoming a professional who works towards combating diseases then pharmacy is the answer.
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