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  • Writer's pictureSumeet Jha

Career In Advertising

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

In this episode, Suchitra Surve talks about the glamorous and sought-after career Advertising. Advertising is done through various mediums like billboards, internet, mobile Newspapers, radio, and television. Advertising field has two departments that are Creative and Executive. In the creative department, one needs to have a creative bend of mind. One needs to design, think and ideate ideas. Copywriter, visualizer, and photographer are the areas where you can work. If you have a managerial bend of mind, like working with clients, have to negotiate and convincing skills one can get into the executive department. Here one can work as client servicing agent. The executive department acts as a mediator between creative department and client. Other department includes media research, marketing, media planning. One can also work in event management, image consultancy, and PR departments. Graduation or post graduation degree in mass media, advertising, PR or communication can help on enter into the field. Along with this one also needs to have certain skill sets like creative thinking, understanding client’s demand. Marketing skills, demographics, and command of the language. One can work in areas like online, print, digital, film and television as a freelancer or find a job in ad agencies.

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